Kidney failureTreatment:
What is kidney Failure?
Your kidneys are a pair of organs located in the region of your lower back. One kidney is on each side of your spine. Your kidneys filter your blood and remove toxins from your body. These toxins go to your bladder and are eliminated when you urinate. Kidney failure occurs when your kidneys lose their ability to sufficiently filter waste from your blood. If your kidneys aren’t able to function properly, your body becomes overloaded with toxins. This can lead to kidney failure, which can be life threatening if left untreated.
Brahm Homeopathy creates a treatment plan that is best for you without dialysis.
Symptoms of kidney failure:
You may notice one or more of the following symptoms if your kidneys are beginning to fail:
Muscle cramps
Nausea and vomiting
Not feeling hungry
Swelling in your feet and ankles
Too much urine (pee) or not enough urine
Trouble catching your breath
Trouble sleeping
If your kidneys stop working suddenly (acute kidney failure), you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
Abdominal (belly) pain
Back pain
The most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure. Sometimes, however, kidney failure occurs early for some unexplained reason.
autoimmune kidney disease
certain medicines
severe dehydration
urinary tract obstruction
Uncontrolled systemic disease such as heart or liver disease
More than 77 million adults in India are living with diabetes. Diabetes is the biggest contributor to kidney failure deaths. Kidney failure treatment is possible without dialysis in homeopathy by Dr. Pradeep Kushwaha, the best doctor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
contact us: +919429065457
Kidney failure treatment without dialysis
Prognosis in homeopathy:
It can be managed with homeopathic treatment. Since how long you are suffering from disease, has to do a lot with treatment plan. No matter, since when are you suffering from your disease either from recent time or since many years -everything is manageable with us but in early stage of disease, you will be managed faster. For chronic conditions or in later stage or in case of many years of suffering, it will take longer time to be managed. Intelligent person always start treatment as early as observe any sign and symptom of this disease, so immediately contact us as soon as you observe any abnormality in you.
Treatment Plan of Brahm Homeopathic Healing & Research centre:
Brahms research based, clinically proved, scientific treatment module is very effective in curing this disease. We have a team of well qualified doctors who observe and analysis your case systematically, record all the signs and symptoms along with progress of disease, understand its stages of progression, prognosis and its complications. After that they clear you about your disease in details, provide you proper diet chart [what to eat or what not to eat], exercise plan, life style plan and guide you about many more factors that can improve your general health condition with systematic management of your disease with homeopathic medicines till it get cured.